Pizza University Blog

You Say Tomato, We Say CIAO!

Written by Marianna Di Nola | Feb 15, 2022 9:37:40 AM

Not all canned tomatoes are created equal! February is National Canned Food Month, and we consistently partner with CIAO brand Italian tomatoes imported by Orlando Foods for their taste, health properties, and quality. GMO-free and imported directly from Italy, CIAO whole peeled and CIAO Authentica (crushed) tomatoes guarantee the consistency that genuine Italian products are known for. Plus, their white-enamel-lined cans are BPA-free and maintain freshness and flavor. CIAO tomatoes come from the Neapolitan countryside which is world renowned for its volcanic soil enriched produce. Since the tomatoes are picked only when they are fully mature, using CIAO tomatoes ensures that you are using the best that money can buy.

At Pizza University and Culinary Arts Center, we are proud to use CIAO Whole Peeled Tomatoes as well as the CIAO Authentica Crushed Tomatoes during our pizza certification classes and special events along with their entire line of products.

CIAO brand Italian Peeled Tomatoes are produced specifically to meet the needs of Chefs and Pizzaioli alike. Our friend and popular instructor, Master Pizzaiolo Chef Leo Spizzirri is a fan and demonstrated his secrets to making great pizza sauce with CIAO brand tomatoes in this video.  Do you have any questions about the best practices for blending tomato sauce? If so, be sure to check out @AskChefLeo’s Facebook page and our recent posts where he explains how he gets consistent, reliable, and quality results from his tomato sauces.

CIAO tomatoes are packed in heavy juice, containing less water than competing brands and giving higher yields in terms of total tomato solids per can.

We love the addition of fresh basil which provides the perfect balance of flavor and sweetness to all styles of pizza. CIAO Authentica is made from selected whole peeled tomatoes which are crushed and mixed with tomato puree. These crushed tomatoes have no tomato skin or seeds and have higher tomato solids. Authentica tomatoes are perfect for making traditional pizza or tomato sauces.

February is also National Heart Health Month, and nutritious tomatoes are a great source of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the heart. Eating significant amounts of tomatoes can help to protect ourselves against cancer and maintain healthy blood pressure. You’ve probably heard the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But what about tomatoes? Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and C, folic acid, and beta-carotene, as well as lycopene. Lycopene is present in other types of red produce, but it is from tomatoes that we tend to get the majority of our lycopene intake from. Doctors have linked eating tomatoes to reducing inflammation and bad cholesterol, as well as improved survival in patients with heart failure. Consuming significant amounts of lycopene has been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease onset as well.

Eating tomatoes, therefore, is a sweet, delicious, and nutritious health-boosting ritual! Looking for fresh, mouthwatering, and fun ways to make Heart Health Month tastier? Check out the delicious and reliable CIAO sauce recipes here. Tried and true instructions for authentic and foolproof Tomato Mussel Sauce, Marinara, Pizza Sauce, and Amatriciana are just a click away!